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I'm glad to have the opportunity to talk to Ontolog today, and I have two points that I want to leave with you, together with some supporting details:

  1. The Topic Maps saga, which began in 1993, teaches that powerful subject-based indexing of information is so compelling that it sells itself. In subject-based indexing, entries in indexes are designed to be findable, and, once found, each listing has all that's known about that particular subject. Customers typically react quickly and positively to subject-based indexes of their complex information resources. They see the value proposition intuitively; it speaks for itself. The selling power of it is awesome. Among other things, it compels customers to acknowledge the importance of careful thinking about ontologies. It compels them to buy ontological services. It's good business for people like us.
  2. I have a special message for you if you must maintain a specialized ontology and, at the same time, you must demonstrate that there is a straightforward way to integrate your knowledge with diverse other knowledge resources whose ontologies, if any, are not under your control. My message is that there is a useful approach, that not only provides political cover, but also happens to work.

This talk has 2 take-aways:

  1. Topic Maps powerfully sell ontological services.
  2. The Topic Maps Reference Model provides a way to make the integration of diverse knowledge, expressed in terms of diverse ontologies, straightforward.

Consultants and ontological engineers, take note!

The rest is detail. Here are some details.